AMACP American Martial Arts Certified Professionals

AMACP Testimonials

Certified Instructors
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Classes in Phoenix Area

Read What Some Of Our Graduates Have To Say:  


Testimonial #1

One of my life’s goals was to become a professional Karate Instructor.  Knowing that learning the Martial Arts builds character and improves both the mind and body, everyone in my area will have the chance to gain confidence and learn excellent karate/self-defense skills.

The AMACP was the first organization that gave me enough information regarding the process of Karate Instructor certification as well as usable/printable copies of forms and documents that a Karate Instructor needs BEFORE teaching their students.  I also received valuable information regarding proper registration within my city that I could not find on other websites.

 The online study manuals are well organized, include good documentation and are understandable at every level.  Now this does not mean that the tests are easily passed, thorough study and attention needs to be given to the manuals and questions.  The fees for the certification programs are reasonable, so it is really worth it to contact and work with the AMACP.

Teodor Paul

Testimonial #2

My experience with AMACP has been great. It's nice to see an organization dedicated to providing information for instructors seeking professional training and standards. I wish them the best and look forward to their future updates.

James J. Morrell 

Testimonial #3

I have been a student of the Martial Arts for over 20 years. I have had the chance to work under some great and not so great instructors. The thing that stands our the most in separating the two is knowledge. Not just of the physical aspect of the style, but also the history and lineage of the style. This is something that the AMACP stresses to it's instructors. As I have taken on the role of instructor myself, I focus on instilling tradition and history into my students. I am proud to be certified by an organization that takes pride in doing the same. The AMACP instructors examine is anything but easy. The first part of the examine focuses on the roots and founders of several traditional styles. The manual that is provided by the AMACP is an excellent reference on Martial Arts history. I commend the AMACP is not only certifying that their instructors have the physical knowledge needed but also the acdemic knowledge needed to be a true Martial Arts Instructor.


Ross Conklin

Senior Instructor, No Limits Martial Arts, Simpsonville SC